about three weeks ago (during some big guild drama that was making it unpleasant to be logged on tbh), another guildie came on and asked for some help. He wanted people to come make lev 1 alts on ally side of another server to sign his new guild charter. The official explantion for this was he wanted support in place for his new worgen character come cataclysm (cough). Well anything for a guildie...
So over I go. made a priest, explored hummie starting area. got to lev 6. left for goldshire. Picked up loads of lev ten quests and promptly started dieing. Alot. As in couldnt do the fucking quests. Ffs just walking into the woods there are bears and wolves at level 9, wide patrol areas (they move about alot) huge aggro radius (this is like being in borean tundra at level 55) I can kill one, but while doing so another adds. So i kill it. Then another add. Then I am OOM. Then I die. I tried running. Doesnt work as i just pull more mobs. So I gave up and went to storm wind.
I wasnt expecting much, but I wanted to check the AH just to see before i deleted the character. Well I had a surprise! I dont know if I have been spoilt or retarded by the horde saurfang AH, as everything that is possible to get is on it, usually by at least 2 suppliers and any auction you post is guarenteed to be undercut within a few hours. There are very few bargains for resale, any bargains you bid on get the bids returned to you within an hour and anything tasty (like a razormaw hatchling) sells very fast. In a nut shell it works very well for a casual raider like me, but I will never make money with it. I rely on my daily Hcs, and tips from my blacksmithing with the odd daily quest when I can be bothered to keep me supplied with flasks, ice blade arrows and repairs for my raiding and pvp..
Well it was like christmas here! the 6 silver i had i turned into 1gold 50 in a matter of 5 minutes. i kept logging in every day, did a ah scan then made bids and did my work etc. No more then 10-15 minutes every day. The shadowmouse was made on a sunday, by the saturday morning she had 119g with stuff still up for auction. I was trading frozen orbs, eternals, borean leather and many other trade mats. I met up with a lev 10 guy who helped me get to 9 and do my quests and I was happy. Kinda had penciled in getting to 250g for the course of the weekend...
Well. Best laid plans of mice and men eh? Shes been retired for a bit, as I level my shammy. Still what a market! goblin heaven :P
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago
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